Enter the #ClearHerPath South Asia Internship Competition organized by the World Bank.
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La crise de la COVID-19 a entraîné d’immenses pertes de capital humain. Le capital humain correspond à l’ensemble des ressources en connaissances, en compétences et en santé que les individus accumulent tout au long de leur vie et qui leur pe…
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La Banque mondiale s'est dotée d’une nouvelle stratégie régionale pour l'éducation en Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale. Cette stratégie décrit les domaines prioritaires, principes directeurs et options stratégiques qui viend…
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Uma nova estratégia regional de educação do Banco Mundial para a África Ocidental e Central estabelece áreas prioritárias, princípios orientadores e opções políticas para apoiar os países no aumento do acesso à educação e na…
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Dans le périmètre irrigué de Bagré, Burkina Faso, ces femmes sont rémunérées $5 (2 500 FCFA) par jour pour le vannage du riz. Crédit : Banque mondiale Le Forum Économique sur le Sahel est une conférence annuelle qui vise à four…
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#HeStandsForShe - IWD 2022 India Campaign ¶ World Bank is inviting submissions of 1-minute videos on #HeStandsForShe Video Competition March 2022 (“Competition”) on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2022 - #HumWomaniya.…
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La crisis de la COVID-19 ha provocado enormes pérdidas de capital humano. El capital humano son los conocimientos, las habilidades y la salud que acumulan las personas durante toda su vida, y que les permiten realizar su potencial. Las inve…
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Participate in #InvestInPeople Campaign | Send us a 1min video with 3 ideas of what your community can do to help the most vulnerable fulfill their potential!
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Record high food and energy prices have triggered global crises that will drive millions more into extreme poverty, magnifying hunger and malnutrition, and devastating economic losses, while threatening to erase hard-won gains in develop…
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La flambée des prix de la nourriture et de l'énergie provoque des crises mondiales qui vont plonger des millions de personnes supplémentaires dans l’extrême pauvreté. Ces crises aggraveront la faim et la malnutrition et causeront des perte…
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In the Bagré irrigation scheme, Burkina Faso, these women are paid $5 (2,500 FCFA) per day for winnowing rice. Credit: World Bank The Sahel Economic Forum is an annual conference seeking to provide an intellectual environment to allow …
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Winners of the 2021 World Bank and Financial Times blog competition for high school students: Shirin,Tarik and Najya. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt our way of life, causing education systems to experience their …
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The World Bank and the Financial Times announce the fifth annual youth blog competition. Submit your blog!
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A new World Bank regional education strategy for Western and Central Africa outlines priority areas, guiding principles, and policy options to support countries in increasing access to education and improving the quality of learni…
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Tell us 3 actions your country/community could take to build a greener, more inclusive future. If you're between 18-35 years old, send us a video or photo.
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Content on the challenges faced by youth and the role they can play to contribute to a green, resilient and sustainable recovery.